Perfect pitch is a photographic memory for sound

It is a spectrum, so it presents itself differently in different people. For example, some people can listen to a song for the first time on the radio and play it perfectly on an instrument. Others can only match a note from one instrument to the other. Excellent rhythmic abilities usually accompany this phenomenon. Studies have found that 1 in 10,000 people has perfect pitch, but I believe this number is incorrect and is perhaps quoted so low because it is rarely tested and identified. By contrast, of my 50 special needs students, 60% have perfect pitch.

Why Identify It?

By identifying perfect pitch in themselves, students can become aware of how they learn and process information. For instance, those with perfect pitch have incredible auditory memory, but perhaps it also tells them they need to strengthen their visual skills Nonetheless, perfect pitch can be very empowering and instill a sense of self-confidence, as I see regularly with my clients.

Provides Music Instruction for Individuals with

Do you think your child may have perfect pitch?

Get Susan’s book Perfect Pitch in the Key of Autism

Autistic people and musical individuals often have perfect pitch, a gift they were born with. The musical gift may be accompanied with learning differences such as reading comprehension problems…